Then luckily we gt a room which can connect to another room... =P...
If not, i really don't know what will hapen if get a room that far from another room~ =P
We get 2 small room, but still ok la, because at least these room have a door to connect to another room~
**Wei Jie ( standing, paise didn't capture his head~ XP... ), 永兴 ( sitting on the bed, and his back facing the camera... ), Sheng Kee and Yee Chuen ( yee yee and yee zhang, lie on the bed~ ), Wang Kai ( 王子, wearing white shirt and hugging PILLOW ), Poh Kit ( bou bou, the guy beside 王子~ can't capture his look, because 王子 block him already~ XP~ )**
**This is Sock Chin and Pik Ling~ ( chin chin and ling ling )~ ^^**
On the left side is Poh Kit, Pik Ling and Yee Chuen ( bou bou, ling ling, yee zhang )~^^
On the right is 永兴~^^
Up there, standing those guys are Wang Kai ( 王子 ) and Wei Jie~^^
Those sitting are Sheng Kee and Sock Chin ( yee yee and chin chin )~^^
Those that sitting on the bed are Poh Kit, Pik Ling, Wang Kai and Sock Chin ( bou bou, ling ling, 王子 and chin chin )~^^
Those lying on the bed are Yee Chuen ( yee zhang ) and 永兴~^^
On the 1st day, we all go walk at Reply's Belif it or not~
Since eveyone never go before, so we decide to go in and see~^^
**This picture made out by using a lots of small round colour things, i don't know what to call it but i only know its round and colourful~ hahax... XP... **
**This four picture i capture it myself, not so clear, but at least know what is it~ XP~ **
**This art work, you can see it from outside also, its a human and a doggy~^^ very nice~^^
but i don't remember what material they use to make this art work~ XP! **
**This ar... i don't know what is it... but very nice~ XP!... hahahax.... ~^^~**
O.o.... wooot~ this is Pik Ling ( ling ling ) , Poh Kit ( bou bou ) and Me~
Hahahaha.........^^ so funny~
**O.o... The books is going to fall down and we're trying our best to avoid it from falling down~**
hahahax.... XP... ( only if we have ther power to avoid it LoLx... XP~!)
**hoping for a PEARL to appear~**
O.o... big clam, but inside didn't have any PEARL~ XP
7 little draft~ XP!
soooo cute~ made by wax~
but only SNOW WHITE is not around~ hahax...^^
**SO TALL... T.T... we're so short... T.T... *weeping~* **
**Everyone taking picture in the DARK... O.o... can't see clearly our faces~ hahax...^^**
**All pretend cool but... Weng Choy ( dadi ) ruin our precious picture... LoLx... =3=~**
Pik Ling ( ling ling ), Me, Weng Choy ( dadi )~
**Me and Weng Choy ( dadi ) pretend EMOOOO0000oooooooo~**
**WOO000oooots~ O.o.... Pik Ling and Sheng Kee ( ling ling and yee yee )~**
**YO~ Poh Kit ( bou bou ) cool lea~ XP!**
**Me and Weng Choi ( dadi ) taking picture~ Hahax...^^ Pretending cool~ XP~ **
**Me and Poh Kit ( bou bou ) taking picture~ Hahax...^^ Pretending cool~ XP~ **
**Yee chuen ( yee zhang ), Me and Pik Ling ( ling ling ) taking picture~^^ Eeemoooooooooo~ X3~**
After finish our walk at Reply's belif it or not, we come out and walk, thn i go buy 棉花糖~ X3~~~~~~~~~~~
**Me~~~~~ 好幸福哦~~~~~ can eat 棉.花.糖~~~~~~~*YuMmY~ X3* **
**After that, we all go PIZZA HUT eat PIZZA~ X3~ so HUNGRY ne~~~~~~~~~~ =P~**
Then everyone having fun there~ hahax...^^ playing children's game~ XP~
**Bt................ in the other hand, Wang Kai ( 王子 ) resting, because he is too excited about going Genting with us and he didn't get enough sleep~ XP!**
**See the camera~ X3~~~~~~ CHEESEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~XP!**
**YumMy~ X3~~~~~~~ T@sTy ne~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kakakaka~~~~^^**
**My Favourite~X3 CHEESE WITH MUSHROOM SOUP~~ YuMmY~~~~~~~~**
**Kakakaka~~~~~~^^ Those standing are Yee Chuen, Wang Kai and Weng Choi ( yee yee, wang zi, dadi )~
2nd row are Wei Jie, Sheng Kee ( yee yee ), Poh Kit ( bou bou )~
Front row are Pik Ling ( ling ling )~**
**Everyone waiting to go into the SNOW WORLD~ But can't go in, because we miss the time~ and need to wait for another round to go in~**
But when we go in, my friends taking picture using handphone, and get a few lecturing by the camera man and camera lady... =3=~
Chea~ what's the big deal of US TAKING PICTURE THERE WO~
**Wei Jie, Yee Chuen ( yee zhang ), and Poh Kit ( bao bao )~**
Let us use eye liner to draw their faces and eyes~ XP!
**This is Sock Chin and Yee Chuen ( chin chin and yee zhang )~^^**
Wakakaka~ ( yee zhang look sooooo funy~ XP! )~~
After that, we all decide go out for a walk around Genting...
So cold outside... ~_~... After the walk, we all go bac hotel and take nap nap~ XP!
**paise, i didn't have picture of us during going out~
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